Wednesday, April 6, 2011


She doesn't have a real name yet, but she is the counterpart to a previous character. The story for both then, is that chickens and roosters come down with a new type of rabies. It causes them to go crazy and attack all those in sight. Unfortunately, when they attack humans, they contract this disease. Thus, it becomes an obscure zombie apocalypse that involves chickens, roosters, and humans. And possibly other animals. She is fairly decent with knives to protect herself, but she really enjoys explosives. I liked her with big poofy pigtails, but I thought it'd be neat to put her hair in a bun with pins that are bones, referencing the skull and crossbones. So maybe she'll just get bored and put her hair in different styles. :D I like that. The hooks on her arm are there so she can pull the pin on the grenades if one hand is also fighting off zombies or crazy chickens with her machete.

The figure with the bird skull helmet is a character I had come up with awhile ago. He used to have a farm with chickens. Now it's left bare and empty due to the breakout.

Both characters need proper names.

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